Mr. Noah Rappeport
Optometrist, researcher, director of the poor vision clinic at Bar Ilan University.
My field of research deals with the processing of visual information and the improvement of visual functions.
Participates in the Eye Opener project in Ethiopia. The project locates blind children with congenital cataracts who were not operated on in infancy, which is a period that is considered critical for the development of normal visual functions. As part of the project, the children undergo surgery to remove the cataract. Next, monitor the development of their visual functions. At the present stage of the project we are developing a vision rehabilitation program for these children in order to improve their visual functions.
In a poor vision clinic fourth year students learn how to test and treat subjects who suffer from poor eyesight. Standard glasses often do not help enough, as they are unable to address problems arising from diseases that cause poor eyesight. These problems can be: difficulty recognizing faces, reading and writing, limited field of vision, watching TV, using a computer or even orienting oneself at home and in space. These limitations impair the self-sufficiency, day-to-day conduct and quality of life of this population. Accurate adjustment of aids allows those with poor eyesight to improve and make the most of their existing vision. The goal of the clinic is to improve and rehabilitate each patient's vision so that they can function independently and return to the various activities of daily life that have had to be stopped due to impaired vision.
In addition to the poor vision clinic at Bar Ilan University, I work at the Institute for Vision Rehabilitation in Tel Aviv, performs optometric tests and adjustments of accessories for the visually impaired. I also receive patients at a private clinic in Tel Aviv.
In addition, I am a military optometrist and perform tests and adjust reflexive corrections for soldiers regularly and permanently.
He holds a bachelor's degree in optometry and a master's degree in visual sciences from Bar Ilan University.
Last Updated Date : 20/04/2021