פרופ' יוסי מנדל
קורות חיים
כרופא עיניים ובעל דוקטורט בביו-הנדסה. אני עוסק בפיתוחים טכנולוגיים בתחום מדעי הראייה, שצפויים לשפר את מצבם של חולים הסובלים ממחלות הגורמות לעיוורון.
את לימודיי האקדמיים עשיתי כעתודאי בצה"ל. לאחר מכן שימשתי רופא גדודי, חטיבתי ואוגדתי ובין תפקידיי ניהלתי יחידת המחקר של חיל הרפואה.
הייתי חלק מצוות גדול של חוקרים שפיתח רשתית מלאכותית, המאפשרת לאנשים שאיבדו את ראייתם כתוצאה מניוון מָקוּלָרי תלוי גיל או ממחלות אחרות, לשוב ולראות בעזרת שבב המושתל מתחת לרשתית הפגועה וקולט במקומה את התמונות. הניסוי שנעשה עד כה בבעלי חיים היה מוצלח ולאחרונה החלו ניסויים באנשים החולים במחלות ניוון של הרשתית.
עוד טכנולוגיה שאני מפתח עושה שימוש בשתל רשתית חדשני המורכב מאלקטרודות ובנוירונים המיוצרים מתאי גזע. במחקר עוברים תאי הגזע תהליך התמיינות לנוירונים מסוג פוטורצפטורים, אשר מחוברים באמצעים מיוחדים לאלטקרודות זעירות. המטרה היא שהנוירונים המושתלים יקלטו ויתחברו לתאים שעדיין מתפקדים ברשתית החולה ויחזירו את הרגישות לאור ואת הראייה. מחקר זה ממומן על ידי האיחוד האירופי במענק מחקר יוקרתי.
הצטרפתי לסגל בית הספר לאופטומטריה ומדעי הראייה בבר-אילן לאחר שהשלים פוסט-דוקטורט באוניברסיטת סטנפורד שבארה"ב.
2019-Present Associate Professor
2013 –2019 Senior Lecture, Faculty of Life Science, Bar Ilan University
2011 – 2013 Post Doctoral fellowship and research associate - Stanford University
2006 – 2011 Ph.D. Bioengineering, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1998 – 2004 Residency in Ophthalmology - Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Israel
2002 – 2003 M.H.A Ben Gurion University, Israel
1984 – 1992 M.D. Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel
The Ophthalmic Science and Engineering Lab is focused on basic and translational research in ophthalmology and visual neuroscience. Of main research interests are the field of electro-cellular interfaces, optical and electronic microdevices development, and applied science for improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various ophthalmic diseases. One of the central themes is the artificial introduction of the visual information and its processing by the retina and the visual cortex. We further study learning and plasticity processes in the visual system in animals. Other projects include electrocellular interface with the autonomic system and application of high electrical field for solid tumor ablation (IRE - Irreversible Electroporation).
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Revital Schick*, Nairouz Farah*, Amos Markos, Alon Korngreen, and Yossi Mandel. Electrophysiological characterization of developing Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived photoreceptor precursors. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61, no. 11 (2020): 44-44. *equal contribution
Auria Eisen-Enosh, Nairouz Farah, Zvia Burgansky-Eliash, Idit Maharshak, Uri Polat and Yossi Mandel. A Dichoptic Presentation Device and a Method for Measuring Binocular Temporal Function in the Visual System. Experimental Eye Research. Oct 2020.
Yoav Chemla, Efrat Shawat Avraham, Amos Markus, Eti Teblum, Aviad Slotky, YuliaKostikov, Nairouz Farah, Madina Telkhozhayeva, nIrit Shoval, Gilbert Daniel Nessim, Yossi Mandel. Carbon nanostructures as a scaffold for human embryonic stem
cell differentiation toward photoreceptor precursors. Nanoscale, 2020. -
Asaf Grupi, Idan Ashur, Nurit Degani-Katzav, Shimon Yudovich, Zehavit Shapira, Adan Marzouq, Lion Morgenstein, Yossi Mandel, Shimon Weiss*. Interfacing the Cell with “Biomimetic Membrane Proteins”. Small 2019.
Tamar Arens-Arad, Nairouz Farah, Rivkah Lender, Avital Moshkovitz, Thomas Flores, Daniel Palanker*, Yossi Mandel*. Cortical interactions between prosthetic and natural vision. Current Biology. Dec 2019. *equal contribution
Adi Gross*, Nadav H Ivzan*, Nairouz Farah, Yossi Mandel, High-resolution VSDI retinotopic mapping via a DLP-based projection system. Biomedical Optics Express, 2019 October 1. *equal contribution
Asaf Shoval*, Amos Markus*, Zhixin Zhou*, Xia Liu*, Remi Cazelles, Itamar Willner,Yossi Mandel. Anti-VEGF-Aptamer Modified C-Dots–A Hybrid Nanocomposit for Topical Treatment of Ocular Vascular Disorders. Small 2019. *equal contribution
Henn Itai, Ayelet Atkins, Amos Markus, Gal Shpun, Hannah‐Noa Barad, Nairouz Farah, and Yossi Mandel. SEM/FIB Imaging for studying neural interfaces. Developmental neurobiology ,2019.
Yoav Chemla, Rachela Popovzter, Mandel Y. Gold nanoparticles for multimodal high-resolution imaging of transplanted cells for retinal replacement therapy. Nanomedicine. 2019 Jul 24.
Chen Abraham*, Nairouz Farah*, Liron Gerbi-Zarfati, Yuval Harpaz, Zeev Zalvesky, Mandel Y. Active photonic sensing for super-resolved reading performance in simulated prosthetic vision. Biomedical Optic, 10(3), pp.1081-1096. *equal contribution
Ravid Doron, Anna Sterkin, Moshe Fried, Oren Yehezkel, Maria Lev, Michael Belkin, Mordechai Rosner, Arieh S Solomon, Mandel Y*, Uri Polat*. Spatial visual function in anomalous trichromats: is less more? Plos One. 14(1): e0209662 *equal contribution
Amos Markus, Astar Shamul, Yoav Chemla, Nairouz Farah, Lital Shaham, Ronald S. Goldstein, Yossi Mandel. An optimized protocol for generating labeled and transplantable photoreceptor precursors from human embryonic stem cells. Exp Eye Res. 2019 Mar.
Noa Kezurer†, Eitan Heldenberg†, Nairouz Farah†, Nadav Ivzan, Yossi Mandel. Endovascular Electrical Stimulation - A Novel Hemorrhage Control Technique. Transaction Biomedical Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering PP(99):1-1 · November 2018
Wei-Hai Chen,1 Guo-Feng Luo, Remi Cazelles, Yang Sung Sohn, Rachel Nechushtai, Yossi Mandel, Itamar Willner. Glucose-Responsive Metal-Organic-Framework Nanoparticles Act as “Smart” Sense-and-Treat Carriers. ACS Nano 2018, 2 (8), 7538-7545.
Mark Brinton, Yossi Mandel, Ira Schachar, Daniel Palanker. Mechanisms of Electrical Vasoconstriction. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2018 15:43.
Omer Wagner, Aditya Pandya, Yoav Chemla, Hadar Pinhas, Irina Schelkanova, Asaf Shahmoon, Yossi Mandel, Alexandre Douplik, and Zeev Zalevsky. Non-labelled lens-less micro-endoscopic approach for cellular imaging through highly scattering media. Bioscience Reports 2017.
Auria Enosh-Eisen, Nairouz Farah, Zvia Burgansky-Eliash, Uri Polat, Yossi Mandel. Evaluation of Critical Flicker-Fusion Frequency Measurement Methods for the Investigation of Visual Temporal Resolution. Sci Rep 2017 7(1):15621.
Arens-Arad T, Farah N, Ben-Yaish S, Zlotnik A, Zalevsky Z, Mandel Y. Head mounted DMD based projection system for natural and prosthetic visual stimulation in freely moving rats. Scientific Reports. (2016) 12;6:34873.
Noa Kezurer, Nairouz Farah, Yossi Mandel. Endovascular Electrodes for Electrical Stimulation of Blood Vessels for Vasoconstriction – a Finite Element Simulation Study. Sci. Rep. 31507 (2016)
Lorach, Henri, Georges Goetz, Richard Smith, Xin Lei, Yossi Mandel, Theodore Kamins, Keith Mathieson et al. Photovoltaic restoration of sight with high visual acuity. Nature medicine 21, no. 5 (2015): 476-482.
Emre Araci, Baolong Su, Stephen R Quake, Mandel Y. Implanted microfluidic based sensor for mobile phone self monitoring of intraocular pressure. Nature medicine 20, no. 9 (2014): 1074-1078.
Mandel Y, Goetz G, Lavinsky D, Huie P, Mathieson K, Wang L, Kamins T, Galambos L, Manivanh R, Harris J, Palanker D. Cortical responses elicited by photovoltaic subretinal prostheses exhibit similarities to visually evoked potentials. Nature Communications 2013, 18;4:1980
Lorach H, Goetz G, Mandel Y, Lei X, Kamins TI, Mathieson K, Huie P, Dalal R, Harris JS, Palanker D. Performance of photovoltaic arrays in-vivo and characteristics of prosthetic vision in animals with retinal degeneration. Vision Research 2014.
Brinton MR(*), Mandel Y(*), Dalal R, Palanker D. Electrical Microstimulator for Hemorrhage Control. Transaction in Biomedical Engineering. In Press. *equal contribution
Mandel Y, Manivahn R, Dalal R, Huie P, Wang J, Brinton M, Palanker D. Vasoconstriction by Electrical Stimulation: New Approach to Control of Non-Compressible Hemorrhage. Scientific Reports (Nature publication group), 2013, 3:2111.
Siam J*, Mandel Y*, Barnea O. Optimization of Oxygen Delivery in Fluid Resuscitation for Hemorrhagic Shock: A Computer Simulation Study. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 2014;5(1) pp 82-95. *equal contribution
Mandel Y, Shlomi Laufer, Michael Belkin, Boris Rubinsky, Yaakov Peer, Shahar Frenkel. Treatment of Uveal Melanoma Tumor by Irreversible Electroporation – Pathological Results from Excised Tumor, PLoS ONE 8(9): e71789.
Zaid A. Abassi, Marina Okun-Gurevich, Niroz abu Salah, Hoda Awad, Mandel Y, Gadi Campino, Ahmad Mahajna, Giora Feuerstein; and Joseph Winaver. Potential biomarkers for the severity of hemorrhagic shock in experimental model of uncontrolled internal bleeding. PlosOne, 2013, 8(11): e80862.
Goetz G, Mandel Y, Manivanh R, Palanker D, Cizmar T. Holographic display system for photovoltaic retinal prosthesis. Journal Neural Engineering, 2013. 10 056021.
Lavinsky D, Sramek C, Wang J, Huie P, Dalal R, Mandel Y, Palanker D. Sub-Visible Retinal Laser Therapy: Titration Algorithm and Tissue Response. Retina. 2014 Jan;34(1):87-97.
Lavinsky D, Cardillo JA, Mandel Y, Melo LM jr, Farah ME, Belfort R, Palanker D. Restoration of retinal morphology and residual scarring after photocoagulation. Acta Ophthalmol 2013;91(4):e315-23.
Lavinsky D, Chalberg TW, Mandel Y, Huie P, Dalal R, Marmor M, Palanker D. Modulation of transgene expression in retinal gene therapy by selective laser treatment. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci [3.597, 6/58]. 2013;54(3):1873-80.
Ezra E, Keinan E, Mandel Y, Boulton ME, Nahmias Y. Non-dimensional analysis of retinal microaneurysms: critical threshold for treatment. Integrative Biology. 2013 5(3):474-80.
Mandel Y, Malki G, Adawi E, Glassberg E, Afek A, Zagetzki M, Barnea O. Hemorrhage control of liver injury by short electrical pulses. PlosOne. 2013;8(1):e49852.
Wang L, Mathieson K, Kamins T, Loudin JD, Galambos L, Goetz G, Sher A, Mandel Y , Huie P, Lavinsky D, Harris JS, Palanker D. Photovoltaic retinal prosthesis: implant fabrication and performance. Neural Engineering. 2012; 9(4):046014.
Mandel Y, Rubinsky B. Treatment of Uveal Melanoma by Non-Thermal Irreversible Electroporation: electrical and bio heat finite element model of the human eye. Journal Heat Transfer 2012. 134(11): 111101.
Mandel Y, Laufer S, Rubinsky B. Evaluation of Corneal Endothelial Impedance Using External Electrodes – A Finite Element Model. Medical Engineering and Physics 2012; 34(2):195-201
Guggenheim JA, McMahon G, Northstone K, Mandel Y, Kaiserman I, Stone RA, Saw SM, Forward H, Mackey DA, Young TL, the International High Myopia Genetics Consortium, Williams C. Birth order and myopia . Ophthalmic Epidemiology. In Press
Gefen A, Shalom R, Elad D, Mandel Y. Biomechanical Analysis of the Keratoconic CorneaJ Mech Behav Biomed Mater 2009;2:224-236
Mandel Y, Stone RA, Zadok D. Parameters associated with the different astigmatism axis orientations. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51(2):723-30.
Mandel Y, Grotto I, El-Yaniv R, Belkin M, Israeli E, Polat U, Bartov E. Season of Birth, Natural Light, and Myopia. Ophthalmology 2008;115(4):686-92.
Goldich Y, Marcovich AL, Barkana Y, Mandel Y, Hirsh A, Morad Y, Avni I, Zadok D. Clinical and corneal biomechanical changes after collagen cross-linking with Riboflavin and UV irradiation in patients with progressive keratoconus: Results after 2 years of follow-up. Cornea. 2012;31(6):609-14.
Goldich Y, Barkana Y, Pras E, Fish A, Mandel Y, Tsur N, Avni I, Zadok, D. Variations in corneal biomechanical parameters and central corneal thickness during the menstrual cycle. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011;37(8):1507-11.
Caspi A, Vishne T, Reichenberg A, Weiser M, Dishon A, Lubin G, Shmushkevitz M, Mandel Y, Noy S, Davidson M. Refractive Errors and Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2009;107(2-3):238–241.
Horowitz J, Mezer E, Shochat T, Mandel Y, Buckman G, Sasson A, Geyer O. Refractive surgery in Israel Defense Forces recruits. J Cataract Refract Surg 2008; 34:243–246.
Shapira-Nahor O, Grotto I, Adler A, Mandel Y, Ashkenazi I, Block C. Anticapsular polysaccharide meningococcal antibodies in Israeli military recruits: immune status and the effect of simultaneous administration of immune globulin on the response to polysaccharide vaccine. Vaccine. 2002;20(23-24):2851-6.
Mandel Y, Freed M, Shpilberg O, Ashkenazi I. Listeria monocytogenes--the bacterium, mode of transmission and relation to food consumption. Harefuah. 1999;136(9):713-7.
Grotto I, Mandel Y, Ephros M, Ashkenazi I, Shemer J. Major adverse reactions to yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccines--a review. Vaccine. 1998;16(4):329-34.
Gdalevich M, Grotto I, Mandel Y, Mimouni D, Shemer J, Ashkenazi I. Hepatitis A antibody prevalence among young adults in Israel – the decline continues. Epidemiol & Infection 121: 477-479, 1998.
Mimouni D, Gdalevich M, Mandel Y, Haim M, Ashkenazi I, Shemer J, Block C. Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccination of military recruits in Israel: preliminary assessment of vaccine effect. Scand J Infect Dis 30: 263-264, 1998.
Mandel Y, Grotto I, Gdalevich M, Mimouni D, Ashkenazi I, Haviv J, Shpilberg O. Is the coexistence of mutations in the genes of factor V and MTHFR a predisposing factor for massive skin necrosis due to loxoscelism? Public Health Rev. 1998;26(3):265-70.
Grotto I, Mandel Y, Green MS, Varsano N, Gdalevich M, Ashkenazi I, Shemer J. Influenza vaccine efficacy in young, healthy adults. Clin Infect Dis. 1998;26(4):913-7.
Grotto I, Mandel Y, Ashkenazi I, Shemer J. Epidemiological characteristics of outbreaks of diarrhea and food poisoning in the Israel Defense Forces in the years 1978-1995. Harefuah. 1997 Oct 2;133(7-8):255-64, 336.
Grotto I, Mandel Y, Ashkenazi I, Shemer J. Cholera. Harefuah. 1995 Mar 15;128(6):380-5
Barnea A, Cohen D, Pratt H, Mandel Y. The Response to Different Musical Intervals as Measured by ERPs. Electroencephalogram. Clin. Neurophysiol. 1992;83:7.
Cohen D, Mandel Y, Pratt H, Barnea A. Response to Intervals as Revealed by Brainwave Measurement and Verbal Means. New Music Research. 1994; 23:265-290.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 25/02/2024